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CCFB News» April 2023

Get involved with Cook County Farm Bureau.Join Team or Program

04/11/2023 @ 2:25 pm

Get involved with Cook County Farm Bureau. Join a Team or Program.

A great way to get the most out of your membership is to be involved with Cook County Farm Bureau®.


Farm Bureau Teams: Meet four times a year to plan programs and events.

Ag Literacy. This team directs and approves agricultural literacy activities for teachers, students, administrators, and parents within Cook County schools and communities.


Commodities and Marketing. This team develops and supports programs to promote a more profitable Cook County agriculture industry, assist members in increasing marketability, and provides farm businesses with tools for successful businesses.


Governmental Affairs. This team surfaces and develops policy and to provide reliable, accurate, and common-sense information to elected officials and their staffs in order to build a dialogue between the organization and policy makers.


Member Relations. This team supports and develops member benefits, recruitment, communications, incentive activities, services, and appreciation events.


Public Relations. This team enhances consumers’ understanding of modern agriculture and to improve the visibility of the presence of local agriculture and the Farm Bureau organization.


Young Leaders. This group provides opportunities and leadership growth for members ages 18 to 35 who are interested in farming and agricultural related involvement. 


Additional volunteer opportunities: Volunteer on a limited basis and even from your home.

Episodic Volunteer. Individuals interested in plugging into and supporting the mission of the Farm Bureau. Examples include helping the day of programs, task forces, advisory panels, etc.


Brief Engagement Volunteer. Individuals are interested in helping the Farm Bureau achieve specific, time sensitive goals. Examples include grant review or scholarship committee members.


Repeat Brief Engagement Volunteer. Individuals interested in helping Farm Bureau achieve specific goals over a longer period of time. Examples include Speakers Bureau and Farm Shadows.

Sign up here: Link


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