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CCFB News» January 2023

5 Questions for Janet McCabe, President

01/05/2023 @ 2:30 pm

1. My favorite responsibility within the Cook County Farm Bureau is presiding over the board meetings and being able to hear about all the wonderful things all the teams are doing to enrich our members. My other favorite responsibility is going to meetings at IL Farm Bureau and being able to bring that information back to our county to help our members stay informed.


2. A memory stamped into my mind is the day I was riding on the tractor raking hay and Jim Gutzmer, then president, called me to ask if I would be interested in running for a board of director's position. I was stunned and honored and it is still one of my “red letter” days.


3, One of the things I like to do when I’m not doing farm bureau business is to spend time with our granddaughter, Rylee. She truly makes being a grandparent very, very special.


4. I have wanted to be a nurse from the time I saw the opening credits of M*A*S*H when I was 13 and gratefully, I am still fulfilling that dream today. I have been working as a critical care nurse for over 40 years.


5. The most interesting and, unfortunately too often asked, question I get is, "There is a farm bureau in Cook County?" Of course, I love to answer, “Why, yes there is! Ag in Cook County is so varied and so numerous, with equine, row crops, horticulture and vegetables, hydroponics, and urban farming. It's a great place to be a farmer in Illinois!”

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