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CCFB News» October 2022

Mental Health Resources Available

10/04/2022 @ 9:00 am

The Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Center for Rural Health and Social Service Development (CRHSSD) is leading the effort to build a network of support and resources for Illinois farm families. The purpose of the initiative is to provide a range of resources including a helpline to assist with farmer and farm-related issues that include mental and physical health needs.


Additionally, the initiative offers ongoing outreach, education, and training to rural clients and partners working to improve the health and safety of farm families.


The Farm Family Resource Initiative (FFRI) seeks to improve the health and well-being of Illinois farm owners and families by

  • Identifying farm family needs, including mental health needs
  • Identifying available resources for farm families
  • Creating new resources for farm families
  • Developing a network of partners to respond to farm family needs


Additional information about FFRI is available at and at

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