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CCFB News» April 2022

2022 CookFresh Community Urban Garden Grant Recipients

04/06/2022 @ 12:55 pm

50 Acre Farm located in Evergreen Park, is a food production garden emphasizing seed to harvest/farm to table activities to provide hands on educational experiences for community youth and families with soil to seed, to harvest, and nutritious meal production activities. Grant funds will be used to purchase seed, soil, planters, garden trowels and materials to create raised beds.


St James Community Farm located in Chicago’s Bronzeville neighborhood, is a food production farm garden that annually produces over 10,000 pounds of fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs for the Bronzeville and neighboring communities on the near south side and sold through community CSA, on site farm stand, while donating 50% to local community food pantries, schools, health clinics and aid organizations. Funds will be used to purchase seed packets, fertilizer, compost, seedlings for late summer/fall succession planting.


Oak Forest Pollinator Garden located in Oak Forest, is a community pollinator garden that was established in 2021 with over 100 pollinator plantings and is expanding in 2022. The garden looks to continue educating the citizens of Oak Forest and surrounding neighborhoods about the importance of pollinators to our food production and environment, through presentations held at the garden. Grant funds will be used to purchase plantings, seedlings and garden materials.


St Irenaeus Pantry Garden located in Park Forest, is a food production garden that donates produce directly to Saint Irenaeus Food Pantry, on Mondays and Thursdays, while also donating to other local food pantries on days when harvested produce cannot be used there. Grant funds will be used to purchase starter plants, seeds, fertilizer, compost, potting soil and garden materials.


Rainbow Beach Victory Garden established in Chicago’s South Shore community in 1917, is a seed to table program were families can grow fresh vegetables, not available in this food desert area.  This year, the garden is creating raised garden beds on open plots for interested senior citizens to garden in a safe space. Grant funds will be used to purchase vegetable plantings, fruit tree, mulch, garden hose, trowels and garden bed kits.


Roots Community Garden located in Palatine, is a community volunteer garden producing over 960 pounds of fresh produce through 400 hours of volunteer gardening. It also serves to provide a space to offer children’s activities and community events, including growing, meal planning, and cooking with fresh vegetables among other programs. Funds will be used to purchase vegetable plantings, gardening gloves and shovels for volunteers.

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