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CCFB News» November 2021

Ag Lit BitRandom Acts of Kindness

11/05/2021 @ 8:30 am

“Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.” This quote by Theodore Isaac Rubin is one of many quotes from a favorite cookbook of mine, the Cossitt Family Cookbook, with a Pinch of Kindness. A local school was selling the book, dedicated to all of the kind students, staff and parents who contributed both recipes and Random Acts of Kindness during the year, back in 1995. It’s one of my “go to” cookbooks; when I used it recently one of the quotes featured in each section suddenly jumped out at me as I searched for the Ginger-Peanut Pasta Salad recipe I love. They had always been there, but I got used to passing them by and flipping right to the recipe. I should have noticed every time I opened the book.


It was great to see a reminder of how simple it can be to add kindness and acceptance to our lives. This was evident last month when I learned about the passing of a young farmer in Cass County and saw how the whole farming community came together to help harvest his fields. “Wherever there is a human being there is an opportunity for kindness.” As FarmWeek shared, “Harvest volunteer needs filled so quickly that some people were diverted to other needs. Sixty volunteers operated 14 combines, 20 tractors and grain carts, and nearly 30 semis. The goal was to combine 500 acres of soybeans and haul loads to CGB Enterprises in Naples, where the facility was alerted. Meanwhile, a volunteer army was cooking food to be delivered as field lunches and a group dinner that evening.” Kindness at its best for sure!


We want to thank those who take the extra steps, small and large to make a difference. As we share each month in the Gratitude Box, our members go the extra mile to volunteer, share kind notes, and even make a special call to say thank you for a program. I am especially thankful to our supportive teachers who join Farm Bureau, register for a workshop, and provide ag literacy to their students.


The end of the cookbook has examples students submitted explaining an act of kindness they did or experienced, “I picked up someone’s folder when they dropped it.”, “I made a get-well card for my friend when she was in the hospital.”, “I congratulated kids that were in battle of the books even if they didn’t win.”, “I read a social studies test to a friend who couldn’t see very well.”, “I bought milk for someone else.”  Happy Thanksgiving to you and remember to give thanks every day for acts of kindness small and large.

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