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CCFB News» April 2021

School Mini Grant Recipients 2021

04/03/2021 @ 10:35 am

Rolling Meadows High School – Funds will be used to purchase seeds and harvesting supplies to support their greenhouse program that is growing greens and produce to donate to community members in need. Additionally, agriculture books will be purchased to include with these food donations for families with younger children. What a wonderful way to give back and to help spread the awareness of the importance of agriculture!


Ancona School (Chicago) – “Beeing Our Best Selves” will introduce students to the importance of bees to our community and our farmers. Our grant will provide supplies for a 6-8 lesson unit that will include ag literacy resources and a 4-H Honeybee Challenge Kit. We are excited to see learners develop an appreciation of bees as food pollinators.


Eisenhower Coop (Crestwood) – This developmental learning unit will focus on the topic, “My Favorite Pizza” allowing students to experience the farm-to-plate process involved in creating pizza. Students will plant seeds, research garden maintenance methods, and enrich their math, reading, and research skills leading up to their food prep class/family project.

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