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CCFB News» September 2020

Downwind"Strange Times Indeed"

09/01/2020 @ 7:20 am | By Bob Rohrer CAE, FBCM, Manager


These are unusual times. Stressful times. Historic times.


Today’s life is being directly affected by COVID-19 and the response to it by government, the media, businesses, workers, schools, churches, organizations, and individuals. At this point, there are two channels of thought for most people…


1.“I can’t wait for life to go back to normal as it used to be!”




2.“I can’t wait for the new normal to get here!”


I do not hear anyone toting a third option of “continuing this current pandemic lifestyle” as a preference!


Most people are not fans of the current status quo…wearing masks, maintaining distance from people, no handshakes for a greeting, no hugging family and friends, remote school and learning. People are tolerating these guidelines to “flatten the curve” and to wait in anticipation for a vaccine/treatment by modern medicine and scientists.


However, life has a way of moving forward despite the obstacles. Overseas trips, exotic hotel resorts, cruises, concerts, and sporting events are OUT. What is IN? The COVID Effect!


For over several decades, I have enjoyed starting many days with a morning run. Most of these runs occur between 5:30 and 6:30am. Through the years, I have been privileged to witness and celebrate many amazing sunrises…usually by myself. However, in recent months, there has been a marked increase of individuals out running the neighborhoods with me (and sharing my beautiful sunrises). The COVID Effect?


Last month, I went to the least populated state in the union for a few days in an effort to get away from everything and everyone. However, COVID has changed even Wyoming. One day, I went to a remote, somewhat difficult to access canyon for some fishing. You can imagine my shock when I came around a corner and ran into two other fishermen. And I kept running into different fishermen, six groups in all, throughout the day. I had not seen that many people total in that area over the past 20 years. The COVID Effect?


Last month, random people in Illinois and across the country began receiving unsolicited “Mystery Seeds” in the mail. Were the seeds invasive plants or a threat to our environment set to be unleased on the unsuspecting public? The COVID Effect? (or the China Effect?)


My daughter and her husband went to purchase a new camper a couple of months ago. When they arrived at the camper store, the inventory available for purchase was very limited, namely two options to choose from in their price range. Apparently, campers have been flying off the lot. The COVID Effect? (And now there are a bunch of camping “amateurs” out there on our nation’s highways and in the remote areas fishing in my spots!)



My mom, the beekeeper, told me that her bees were building wacky honeycomb structures in her beehive. Instead of building the honeycomb within the frames, they built honeycomb extensions and bridges from the frames in unique, but less efficient, fashion. The COVID Effect?


 Even the bees feeling the COVID Effect?

A couple of months ago, a bike shop owner I know reported that the availability of new bikes in the $500 and under price range were nonexistent throughout the world. Demand went through the roof during shelter at home. Is it my imagination or are there more people out biking than ever before? The COVID Effect?


Yes, strange times…strange times, indeed!

There is no guarantee that life will ever return to what it looked like pre-COVID-19. And, there is no guarantee that we will have a vaccination within the next few months, next year, next five years, or ever for that matter.


As an organization, we have gained appreciation that “living” today is the best thing that we can do to serve our members. Therefore, the Cook County Farm Bureau continues to adapt and lead through these strange times.


In August, our six Program Teams spent time discussing what programming, activities, information, workshops, etc. to bring to members and the public in the next year and beyond. It was exciting to see the focus by your volunteer leaders on creativity and innovation, understanding that members can best be served by:

  • Being present
  • Connecting with you in your space and time frame
  • Delivering relevant information that fit within the current circumstances.


This may be strange times, but we look forward to experiencing it with you!

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