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CCFB News» June 2020

Golf Outing for Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom

06/10/2020 @ 9:25 am

It's FORE the kids!


This annual fundraising event brings together farmer members, industry partners, and ag supporters all enjoying a great day in the name of education! What we do today will ensure that students and teachers can continue to learn and grow with Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom next school year!


NEW DATE: Monday, August 10, 2020
Pontiac Elks & Wolf Creek Golf Courses, Pontiac, IL

Register Online: Link


For more information, contact:

Breanne Beisiegel, Operations & Communications Specialist

[email protected]




Please Note: We understand that COVID-19 is causing uncertainty about future gatherings. In the event that we need to cancel, golfers will be given three options:

  • Designate a portion of, or your full registration fee to support Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom
  • Designate your registration fee for next year's outing
  • Receive a full refund of your registration fee

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