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CCFB News» May 2020

Ag Lit Bit"Keep the Learning Going"

05/03/2020 @ 8:00 am | By Diane Merrion

We have been asked to do a lot this past month and have also been asked to not do a lot. While every individual has had to make their own choices, parents didn’t have a choice in taking on the role of teacher.


The experience reminds me of the day I came home from the hospital with our first baby. I wasn’t quite sure I knew how to handle everything, but I learned very quickly.  


Each day provided a new lesson, just like these past months of homeschooling. When I look at the lesson plans parents are administering between doing their other roles, I marvel. I wonder how well it would have gone if my boys were 6, 8, and 10? I do know whatever their ages would have been it would be tough to teach, work, cook, and stay healthy emotionally and physically.


While Ag in the Classroom cannot help in all ways, we sure hope that some of our resources have eased the burden with our Facebook posts, website links, and newsletters. We hope you have enjoyed our new e-learning resources, as well as those we share from Illinois Ag in the Classroom and our many ag partners. (Please refer to the links found on this page.)


We look forward to the time when we can return to what we enjoy the most which is providing hands-on learning with our partners. In the meantime, we will continue to help you keep the learning going.

Here are a few things I have learned about Ag Literacy and life this month.

  • Agriculture is filled with people helping people.
  • Give thanks when you have the chance.
  • Learning is the key to understanding. We have learned a lot and have a long way to go.
  • Illinois Ag in the Classroom provides ag educational programming second to none.
  • Teachers are the key to our future. Always embrace educators and support your child’s learning.
  • Every opportunity to form a partnership should be embraced. You will need each other.
  • Rise to the challenge of helping others and making each day matter.
  • Add humor to your interactions; it sure helps lift the clouds.
  • Camera. Make sure your computer has a camera and if it does not, do wait for a pandemic to try to purchase one.
  • Yearn to go beyond your comfort zone every day. You never know when you will need to rely on those skills you have acquired.


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