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CCFB News» February 2020

Ag Lit Bit"The Waiting Game"

02/01/2020 @ 3:00 pm | By Diane Merrion

Regular decision, early action, early decision, rolling admissions, and the list goes on. Many students and parents are currently receiving and awaiting decisions on college applications.


I recall the situation with my children including waiting for the mail delivery each day and finally the relief at knowing where they were going and ultimately what they would be majoring in meteorology, marine biology and aviation!). The excitement of these potential careers was incredible as we’d have a discounted way to get to beautiful places and know the weather!


Fast forward to graduations and careers and guess what? I don’t have a pilot, marine biologist, or meteorologist (though they’re still amazing, productive children). The vast amount of post-high school choices today is mind-blowing and confusing. Many don’t have much exposure to what it takes to succeed in these careers or personal experience with the industry they are heading into.


In speaking with parents, students, and teachers about agriculture, many assume the only career in agriculture is that of farmer. While that is one option, others include jobs in horticulture, plant science, animal science, graphic design, food packaging, food science and ag engineering to name a few.  


The Cook County Farm Bureau® is aligning our resources with agriculture professionals through our Job Shadow Program. We can’t think of a better way to invite the next generation into agriculture than to show them how the current generation is laying the groundwork for their future. How can a student select a major if they don’t even know it exists?


College nights don’t always showcase their Schools of Agriculture, so we hope to open that conversation and bring awareness to these majors and to our Cook County Farm Bureau Foundation’s scholarships for youth entering our industry.


Next month we will include a summary of our Ag Leadership Academy which is another way our Foundation provides experiences for high school students to see a snapshot of the careers available right here in Cook County. If you are looking for resources on ag careers, send us a note with your questions to [email protected].  


My thoughts are with you as you open those envelopes (oops I mean emails) from schools during the next few months.  

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