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CCFB News» September 2019

Ag Lit Bit"That's what they Do!"

09/01/2019 @ 7:00 am | By Diane Merrion

The smell of new crayons, the points of newly sharpened pencils and the cleanliness of the new backpack.  Yes, I miss the beginning of the school year and the tradition of sending my kids out the door all excited to experience their first day of school.  As parents, that’s what we do.  Prepare our kids for the first day of school and to prepare them to receive an education that will prepare them for the future. 


While we are getting our kids ready, teachers share the same store aisles seeking supplies and materials for their students, often spending their own money. I challenge you to find a teacher who doesn’t invest their own money into their classrooms to make learning more meaningful.  Why? That’s just what they do.


Our group of classroom presenters is ready to visit classrooms across the county to showcase our new materials and information with teachers. They drive near and far to visit students as they love sharing their knowledge of agriculture with students. It’s what they do.


I have to give a shout out to the farmers in our county for helping Ag in the Classroom with our jobs each year by donating freshly hand-cut wheat, saving field corn and soybeans for our school year and supporting our agriculture needs.


These farmers (and board members) also recently re-planted a portion of our office landscape. The speed at which they accomplished removing bushes, planting grasses, arranging perennials and spreading mulch was mind-boggling to me.  I told Bob our farm bureau manager that I couldn’t believe the transformation that took place by this small group in such a fast manner and he without a pause he said, “They’re farmers, that’s what they do!” To all of you who help others plant, learn and grow, I’m glad that’s what you do. 


*Speaking of someone who helps others, my congratulations to Suzi Myers on her retirement from the Kane County Farm Bureau after serving as Ag Literacy Coordinator for 15 years. She welcomed me into the ag literacy circle and served as inspiration and mentor with her vast knowledge of education, the environment and agriculture. 

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