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CCFB News» July 2019

Voting Membership Drive Underway...

07/03/2019 @ 9:00 am

The Member Relations Team is seeking more Voting members this summer and requests our current members’ assistance in identifying prospects who may be interested in joining the organization.  We are focused on the following membership classifications…


M members: farmers, landowners, farmworkers, farm-related corporations/partnerships, etc. that earn $2500 or more gross farm income annually.


PM members: Professional Members who rely on food, farms and agriculture for their livelihood.

These M and PM memberships are Voting in nature, providing individuals the opportunity to choose the agricultural leaders of the organization as well as helping select the policy positions on issues the organization stands for. In addition, these memberships help provide strong agricultural presence in an increasingly urban Cook County area.

As a bonus, any individual during the month of July and August that joins the Farm Bureau as a M or PM member (or re-classifies from Associate Member to PM) will receive a limited availability Pillow Pet from AGCO. These Pillow Pets are Chanel toys with Velcro straps that allow them to be changed from a stuffed animal (tractor) into a decorated pillow.


$18 in July and August for the New M or PM member covers the person until the November renewal period!


Member-sign-a-Member Program also eligible: Members that successfully encourage their family, friends and neighbors to join the Cook County Farm Bureau as an associate, farmer or professional member receive a free movie ticket or a Pillow Pet!  Go to and click on MEMBER CENTER to complete membership app (add your name in the recommended by field). Affiliated Country Financial reps, Board/Team or Staff members do not qualify. Valid through the end of 2019 while supplies last.



A Cook County Farm Bureau voting membership and a Pillow Pet can bring joy!

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