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CCFB News» July 2019

From the CountryFive Reasons to Talk with Your Insurance Rep

The only thing that is certain about life is that there will be changes. This could mean changes to your family situation, or changes in lifestyle, which are good times to talk with your insurance representative about your priorities and coverages. The good news is that your insurance representative is there to help you protect the people and the things you love. Here are five reasons you may want to give your rep a call:  


You’re looking for ways to save money

Consider checking in with your insurance agent or financial representative if you are looking for ways to save on your insurance rates.  Your representative can talk with you about options such as raising your deductible to save some money or looking to see if you qualify for new savings options or discounts.


Reexamining your policy when it is up for renewal

Don’t just automatically send a check to your insurance company, take a little time to evaluate your personal situation since the last time you checked on your policy. Review your information and check in on your coverage periodically to ensure you’re getting the best coverage.


Major lifestyle changes

Did you go through a major life change recently, such as getting married, having a baby or going through a divorce? All of these are reasons to talk with your rep. Depending of what kind of insurance you have lifestyle changes can affect your insurance rates. Also reach out when your kids have changes, such as reaching driving age, going to college, or if an adult child moves back home.


Buying or getting new things

If you’ve received gifts, like jewelry, or you’ve bought anything new for your home including TV’s, computers or even artwork, let your agent or financial representative know so you can discuss proper coverages for those items.


Quality of life and property improvements

Making personal life changes to improve your health, such as quitting smoking, may affect your coverage. Reach out to your rep if you’ve made home or property improvements such as expanding your home or enclosing a porch. Tell your agent or financial representative if you’ve installed a fire/burglar alarm system or upgraded your heating, plumbing or electrical system. Similarly, if you have upgraded or changed your vehicle, you will want to review any policies associated. Keep receipts and records of purchases in case you need to share these with your representative.


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