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CCFB News» February 2019

Downwind"I'm a YouTuber"

02/01/2019 @ 7:00 am | By Bob Rohrer, CAE, FBCM, Manager

Mother Goose may have never written the children’s rhyme, “Humpty Dumpty”, if all the King’s horses and the King’s men knew about that magical world called YouTubeania. 


Yes, YouTubeania is a wonderful and imaginary place that could have provided them with design plans, schematics, helpful “how to advice”, directions, secrets, pictures and video on putting Humpty back together again by touching the royal app.


After the collective gasp of seeing Humpty break into pieces, search “unbreak an egg” and voila!

The horses and the men could have gotten right to work to save the day (the King’s horses have smart phones with really large buttons to allow them to function using their big hooves in today’s society). Humpty would’ve come back to sit on that wall better, stronger, faster.


Furthermore, I might be farming today instead of my current adventure of Farm Bureau manager if there had been YouTubeania 30 years ago. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: My father, the Farmer, was much better off when I left the farm to pursue other adventures. I was a net expense drain to the farm. I worked hard but in the course of that work, I broke and damaged much. Tractor repair, tool repair, small engine repair, parts replacement in equipment, and a variety of related activities were the result.  Inevitably, after I finished using something on the farm, it needed to be fixed. I’m pretty sure that if I had not chosen other adventures in life, I would’ve gotten voted off Farm Island.


It is not completely accurate to say that I could not use tools. In fact, I can recall many successful efforts of taking apart engines, equipment, and machine components only to scratch my head by thinking one or all of these:

  • I have no idea what I’m looking at
  • I have no idea what’s causing the issue that caused me to tear this apart
  • I have no idea how to repair this
  • I have no idea where to get this part
  • I have no idea how to put this together again

Being a flawed individual with a lack of patience and attention span, I would leave the repair project strewn across the workbench in frustration. The Farmer would eventually come to the rescue and put Humpty Dumpty back together again.


And then, approximately 7 years ago, life changed when I discovered YouTubeania.  With this amazing discovery, an incredible rainbow filled the sky and leprechauns and unicorns danced around me.


I became handy. Yes Handy, Dad!


The strange and alien creatures found in YouTubeania provided to me unworldly special guidance, direction, advice on projects and repairs complete with moving pictures. I was suddenly able to diagnose, analyze, fix pieces, replace parts, as well as repair and put stuff back together.


Since this miraculous transformation, I have repaired my 58-year-old ShopSmith, my 45-year-old snowplow garden tractor, replaced bearings on mowers, and fixed engines. I have re-piped water pumps. I have built stairs. I have fixed toilets. Farm and home improvements projects stop me no more.  I have become, in part, the Farmer. (Okay, a rather poor caricature of him).


It’s a radical concept but the power of YouTubeania could have altered the course of my life 30 years ago. I could’ve followed in the Farmer’s footsteps (and alas, the Farmer just fell off the wall in disbelief)


There are some very skilled and knowledgeable beings in YouTubeania that have taken pity on the likes of me by sharing knowledge through video and voice, beaming solutions down to Earth. This column is dedicated to those YouTubers and the Farmers of today, tomorrow, and yesterday for using your gifts and talents for good each and every day. Thank you!

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