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CCFB News» November 2018

Family Food Bytes

11/04/2018 @ 7:00 am

MILK CARTON “SELL BY” DATES MORE ACCURATE (FarmWeek)  The “sell-by” and “best-by” dates on milk cartons may soon become more meaningful and accurate. Cornell University food scientists have created a new predictive model that examines spore forming bacteria and when they emerge. Consumers often discard milk if it’s past the “sell-by” date despite the fact that there is little science behind those dates as they are experience-based guesses. The goal of the research was to put good science to use, reduce food waste and reduce food spillage.


MY AMERICAN FARM UPDATES (FarmWeek)  The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has released three new books into new videos to complement an updated My American Farm game – called - My Little Ag Me. Focused on information about egg careers, the three books are geared towards a fifth-grade audience. A special code at the end of the books unlocks a secret level of the My Little Ag Me game. Two videos highlight a host of careers in agriculture ranging from information technology programmer to mechanical engineer. Visit to check them out.


LAMB INCREASING IN POPULARITY (FarmWeek)  Americans say they’re eating more lamb and fully enjoying it according to a recent survey conducted by the American Lamb Board. The online study of 2,084 US adults age 18 to 74 years showed 24% ate lamb in the past year, up from 20% in 2011. 35% of those who ate lamb said they liked everything about the meat, including the flavor and tenderness, compared to 19% in 2011. 68% said they have a strong desire to purchase American raised lamb.


IFB TO EXPLORE MEMBER HEALTH PLAN (FarmWeek) The Illinois Farm Bureau’s Board of Directors recently endorsed a working group’s recommendation to explore providing health insurance to members through an Association Health Plan, amongst other items. Other recommendations included potentially entering into partnership with other Illinois-based associations of self-employed people, increasing medications to members about healthcare issues and options, communications to legislators about the high cost of health insurance for self-employed individuals, studying other healthcare options, and considering the viability of legislation to establish a non-actuarial health care plan similar to what Iowa has instituted.


WALMART, SAMS CLUB TO TRACK CERTAIN FOOD ITEMS  (Reuters) – In an effort to improve food safety, Walmart and Sam’s Club will be asking leafy greens suppliers to implement new safety measures. Suppliers will be required to utilize real-time, farm-to-store tracking technology.


HOT OFF THE PRESS (AFBF) - the new Food and Farm Facts Junior edition, produced by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture, is now available. This edition explains farm practices to young learners in an age-appropriate way. Questions explored in the 12-page full-color book, which was developed for kindergarten through third-grade students, include:

  • Who is a farmer?
  • What is agriculture?
  • How do farmers use the land and take care of it?
  • What is food safety?
  • Does chocolate milk come from brown cows?
  • What is the difference between wool and cotton?
  • What happens when I flip on a light switch?
  • Where does my pizza come from?
  • Who works on the weekends?
  • Who is driving the tractor?
  • Who will I be in agriculture?


Copies of Food and Farm Facts Junior may be purchased for $3.00 each. Visit for more information.


About Family Food Bytes: This is a collection of articles gathered from both mainstream and agriculture media and is designed to keep you informed as a member and leader within the Cook County Farm Bureau organization. The articles summarized above are not intended to represent Cook County Farm Bureau policy or positions, but rather to provide members an idea of what is being reported regionally, nationally, and globally.

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