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CCFB News» November 2018

Ag Lit Bit"Choices Abound"

11/01/2018 @ 10:30 am | By Diane Merrion

As we anticipate the celebration of Thanksgiving this month, we join many cultures in being thankful for the food provided by our farmers.  No matter what your tradition is for Thanksgiving, whether it be football or turkey, it all originates from the farm.  As the holiday approaches, we make our shopping lists and the food generally isn’t hunted and gathered in the true sense, but it’s hunted and gathered at the grocery stores. 


Our Thanksgiving meals didn’t change much while I was growing up. We pretty much always had turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, cranberries, Jell-O, rolls, salad and pumpkin pie.  Who prepared what generally didn’t change much either as you knew Aunt Sarah brought the Jell-O “mold”, Aunt Josie made the pumpkin pie and so on. 

When the next generation took over, the same recipes prevailed.  None of us really thought much about the farmer who harvested the wheat, raised the turkeys or grew the pumpkins. 


As we prepare dinner for this Thanksgiving and include the newest generation I do believe they are more aware of where their food comes from and certainly have more questions.  They may insist on an all-natural turkey, non-GMO fresh green beans (which is ALL of them!), skip the Jell-O and buy locally grown microgreens. 


I’ve also noticed a drastic change in the volume of food and the decrease in “casseroles”.  Perhaps we are returning more to the historical foods that are believed to be eaten at the early Thanksgiving feasts such as fish, fruits such as plums, melons and grapes and local vegetables such as leeks, wild onions, beans, and squash.


One thing is for sure, we Americans have choices. Perhaps too many, perhaps too complicated.  So, when you run out this month to buy your turkey what kind will you choose? A fresh, frozen, pre-brined, kosher, natural, organic, free-range, heritage, hen or tom will be among your options.  We have those choices thanks to our farmers.

Good luck planning your holiday menu and enjoying your family traditions this holiday season.

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