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CCFB News» May 2018

Ag Lit Bit

05/01/2018 @ 12:40 pm | By Diane Merrion

A Seed is the Start


Indeed, a seed is the beginning!  As I’ve begun plans for planting my gardens this month, seeds come to mind. What should I plant this year based on my outcomes from last year? Do I want more herbs and vegetables or more flowers? Such important life questions to ponder (or to get my mind off more important life issues). I admit, I’m a sucker for flowers and can’t live without them. While nothing tastes better than homegrown anything, my focus always goes back to the color and happiness that flowers bring to me.   


A Seed is the Start, by Melissa Stewart is a new book in our Ag in the Classroom library and I love it. This colorful non-fiction selection has so many simple, yet meaningful facts that all can relate to.  Publishers Weekly describes the book as follows, “In a brightly photographed primer about how seeds travel, grow and thrive as plants, Stewart begins with a corn seed. A cross-section of ground shows the seed as it splits open, its roots push down, a shoot pokes out of the soil and the corn plant sprouts leaves. Some seeds ‘fly’ on the wind; others ‘tumble’ across land or ‘spill’. Some ‘float’ and some even ‘creep’.”  A favorite part of mine that I know kids will love is her description of seeds ‘riding inside’ where she discusses animals and insects who eat seeds and later poop them out to create new life in the soil. I know this will bring a smile to those who read it. Check out this book here at the Farm Bureau or through your library or bookstore. 


I’m anxious to begin planting and hope my seeds and seedlings produce good results.  I’ll think of this book as I plant, and I will also think about the seeds of knowledge our Ag in the Classroom presenters planted this school year. More on that topic next month. 

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