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What We're Working On» October 2018

Farm Bureau Supports the Chicago Horse Carriage Industry

10/04/2018 @ 8:55 am | By Bona Heinsohn, CAE

Cook County Farm Bureau® sent the following letter to the Chicago Committee on Licenses and Consumer Protection in support of the Chicago horse carriage industry:


Carriage horses are an iconic part of Chicago.  For many families, carriage horses and their drivers may be the only contact they have with agriculture and livestock.  Through scrupulous training and handling, carriage horses are comfortable in loud, urban areas. 


Cook County Farm Bureau® disputes the unsubstantiated proposition that using horse-drawn carriages are a form of cruelty to the horses. There is simply no justification for this contention, aside from the views of the extreme animal rights activists that believe all animal use is cruel.


Chicago’s carriage horses are among the most regulated horses in the country to ensure that they are well cared for in terms of stabling, access to appropriate food and water, grooming, horseshoeing, veterinary care and working conditions.  Repeated inspections of the horses and their stables have yielded no humane issues.  In addition, the safety record of horse drawn carriages in Chicago is exemplary.


The proposed ordinance would not only eliminate a very popular and charismatic form of tourism for the city of Chicago, it would eliminate jobs and reduce tax revenue to the city and the state.


Cook County Farm Bureau® policy supports the growth and enhancement of animal agriculture in Cook County (Policy #1300 Animal Agriculture).  The much beloved, carriage horse industry is a vital connection for many urban families to Cook County and Illinois agriculture.


As the county’s largest general farm organization, Cook County Farm Bureau® is dedicated to bridging the gap between farmers and urban consumers.  Through education programs targeting youth and their parents, as well as programs designed to connect farmers with potential consumers, Farm Bureau members are actively engaging in conversations about food and the shared values between farmers and consumers. 


If you have any questions regarding this issue or would like any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 708-354-3276 or via email at [email protected].

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